by Veronica Elizabeth Bruno2 weeks ago Follow @highvalueimages The entrances of Emma Corrin as Princess Diana and Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher steal the show with tour-de-force performances, but the whole cast elevates their game in The Crown’s most powerful season yet. If you were to pick one season to tune into Netflix’s The Crown, season 4 should …
Here is an interview with Siobhan McKenna on her authentic writing on her novel – Man in Armour. Sean Aylmer speaks with Siobhan McKenna, Australian business figure and now the author of Man in Armour. Siobhan is one of the most well-regarded executives in the country as Group Director – Broadcasting for News Corp Australia. …
As one of the most powerful players in the Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks. This time, she is putting everything on the line with a new book. As one of the most powerful players in Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks on a grand scale, but this …
Charles lives in the testosterone-driven, high-powered, brutal world of investment banking. It is a world dominated by deals, bonuses, bravado and savagery. Charles is a master of this world. Each day he shrugs on a metaphorical suit of armour and goes out into a dog-eat-dog world to accumulate power and make money. He’s a man …
These leading artificial intelligence companies are advancing this emerging tech using a dazzling array of AI technology, from machine learning to smart algorithms. As artificial intelligence has become a growing force in business, today’s top AI companies are leaders in this emerging technology. Often leveraging cloud computing, AI companies mix and match myriad technologies. Foremost among these is machine learning, …