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Category: Johngdryden

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5% Increase in Investor Loaning, and even more for Owner Occupier – Matthew George – Urban Activation.

Property market showing signs of recovery with surge in owner-occupier and investor lending. By business reporter David Chau   Australia’s housing market is showing further signs of recovery, thanks to a surge in the number of people who are borrowing — and taking out bigger mortgages. The value of new loans issued to households jumped 3.9 …

How to build the perfect property portfolio- curated and collated by Matthew George, Urban Activation

Published on August 5, 2019 Status is reachable Matthew George Property Sales, Project Marketing andManagement 47 articles Following Like many things in life, the idea of a perfect portfolio is highly personal. It depends on your goals, your personal and financial situation, and how much risk you can handle. This means that what works well for …

Financial Review News – Property recovery starts in Sydney, Melbourne curated by Matt George

Matt George curated and collated article as published by https://www.afr.com/by/ingrid-fuary-wagner-gk7hseProperty price growth in Sydney and Melbourne is in positive territory for the first time since the market peaked in 2017, as lower mortgage rates and improved buyer sentiment in combination with a dearth of new listings spurs a market recovery. Values grew slightly by 0.2 per …

How to turn your great idea into a cash-boosting business success – curated by John Dryden DMG Social

Published by ANTHONY KEANE, News Corp Australia Network June 30, 2019 3:00pm A new financial year is an ideal time to turn a money-making idea into something serious. Whether you’re looking to start a side hustle, become full-time self-employed or begin a new small business, there are some important factors to consider. A business idea …

Press Release – Australian capital city rents rise over the first quarter: CoreLogic – Matthew George Urban Activation – Press Release

Curated from Property Observer as published 8th April The first CoreLogic Quarterly Rental Review for 2019, which tracks median rents and rental yields across Australia, shows that national weekly rents have risen by 1% during the first three months of the year. “This seasonally strong first quarter has delivered the highest increase in weekly rents since the …