by Veronica Elizabeth Bruno2 weeks ago Follow @highvalueimages The entrances of Emma Corrin as Princess Diana and Gillian Anderson as Margaret Thatcher steal the show with tour-de-force performances, but the whole cast elevates their game in The Crown’s most powerful season yet. If you were to pick one season to tune into Netflix’s The Crown, season 4 should …
As one of the most powerful players in the Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks. This time, she is putting everything on the line with a new book. As one of the most powerful players in Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks on a grand scale, but this …
Charles lives in the testosterone-driven, high-powered, brutal world of investment banking. It is a world dominated by deals, bonuses, bravado and savagery. Charles is a master of this world. Each day he shrugs on a metaphorical suit of armour and goes out into a dog-eat-dog world to accumulate power and make money. He’s a man …
This book is perfect for Christmas! I picked this book up and could not put it down! It was captivating from the world that Charles operates in, such a testosterone-driven, high-powered, brutal world of investment banking. For those that know what it is like, it is right up your ally!! Charles is a master of …