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Category: Entertainment

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‘I feel vulnerable’: News Corp executive Siobhan McKenna opens up about her stunning new novel, Man In Armour

As one of the most powerful players in the Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks. This time, she is putting everything on the line with a new book.   As one of the most powerful players in Australian media, Siobhan McKenna is used to taking risks on a grand scale, but this …

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“Whiskey with a Mate” – The Bolt Report with Andrew Bolt and Siobhan McKenna – Author “Man in Armour”

Charles lives in the testosterone-driven, high-powered, brutal world of investment banking. It is a world dominated by deals, bonuses, bravado and savagery. Charles is a master of this world. Each day he shrugs on a metaphorical suit of armour and goes out into a dog-eat-dog world to accumulate power and make money. He’s a man …

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Top 100 Artificial Intelligence Companies 2020 – Eye Opening.

These leading artificial intelligence companies are advancing this emerging tech using a dazzling array of AI technology, from machine learning to smart algorithms. As artificial intelligence has become a growing force in business, today’s top AI companies are leaders in this emerging technology. Often leveraging cloud computing, AI companies mix and match myriad technologies. Foremost among these is machine learning, …

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Man in Armour – By Siobhan McKenna – 100% Pure Power, 100% Pure Money, 100% Pure Sex – it is an absolute page turner!

This book is perfect for Christmas! I picked this book up and could not put it down! It was captivating from the world that Charles operates in, such a testosterone-driven, high-powered, brutal world of investment banking. For those that know what it is like, it is right up your ally!! Charles is a master of …

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#whatweneedtodo is a Victorian viral campaign spreading the word about wearing a mask! C’mon, Victoria! Neil Mitchell launches #WhatWeNeedToDo

#whatweneedtodo We’re all sick of lockdown. It feels unfair. But now isn’t the time to dwell or fight. It’s time to beat this virus. That’s the only way our lives return to normal. Neil Mitchell last week asked listeners to help rally support and get Victorians on the same page, and one advertising expert took …